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Trinity Universal Center (TUC) for positive youth, family and personal development.  It was organized as a nonprofit corporation chartered March, 1979, by the State of Illinois; granted tax-exempt status by the Illinois Department of Revenue, April 14, 1989, and 501c3 by the IRS.

The name “Trinity” represents the triplicity of man--mind, body and spirit.  The word “Universal” represents everything that concerns the individual.  Thus the programs and services provided by Trinity Universal Center are holistic.

TUC was created to form positive family support units and to develop personal responsibility. Its programs provide profound, positive approaches in aiding individuals to become emotionally mature to deal with the daily pressures and occurrences of life.

It is designed to serve as a prevention, support and developmental facility for individuals, youth and families by making the transition from one lifestyle to another easier, more affective and permanent; and by promoting healthy self-esteem, relationship-building and self-empowerment.

Four Major components:

1) Educational - when working with school districts, addresses the special needs of at-risk   students and their parents;

2) Psychological - which addresses the challenges with the individual and the family that impede positive development;

3) Developmental - which fosters family growth and aids individuals and families in enhancing self-esteem and motivating them to become productive citizens; and

4) Spiritual - which fosters ones, individuals are a whole organism, mind, body and spirit as related to God, man and the Universe.